Their Arrows Will Darken the Sun

The Evolution and Science of Ballistics

Bang, whizz, thud: a bullet is fired (ignition and internal ballistics), it flies 
through the air (external ballistics), it impacts the target (terminal 
ballistics). Even for pre-gunpowder weapons, there are these three phases of a 
projectile trajectory. From slings and javelins to assault rifles and RPGs, this 
book analyzes ballistic motion. The science and history are intertwined. The 
technology of weaponry, from small arms to heavy artillery, has influenced 
history enormously. Have you heard of artillery barrages in the American Civil
War? No? There's a good reason--artillery development lagged behind small arms 
development at that time, making the ACW an unusual war for both soldiers and 
historians. The impact of ballistics technology throughout history is a feature 
of this book.

Their Arrows Will Darken the Sun (2011) is published by Johns Hopkins University 
Press. Translated into Chinese by PLA Press.